Christian Right Renews The Fight

looking to the RightThe Christian Right, meeting in Florida, has vowed to rebound. The initial cornerstone theme of the meeting was an attack on gay marriage and other "aberrant forms of marriage." Ironically, there was a call for evangelicals to combat threats from the left, yet the two hot button issues (gay rights and abortion) that are under attack are conservative issues of personal freedom.

Reclaiming America for Christ is a continuing theme of the Christian religious political rebound movement. High on the list of wants (read demands) is a reinterpretation and amendment of the Constitution to conform to an evangelical theocratic model that is designed to force Americans to fall in line with Christian Right ideology. Most left out of this Taliban-like Christian ideal would be those who love the Constitution of the United States for its guarantees of freedom from government oppression.

The Christian Right is openly serious about changing the culture of this free society to that of a Christian Theocracy. They fully intend to overwhelm the liberties we think we can take for granted and substitute a set of laws that would force Americans to follow a set of religious beliefs, like it or not. Nothing in the history of the United States has posed more of a threat to the fundamental concept of our Constitution. The framers of the Constitution anticipated the threat and wrote in a clear separation of church and state for the very purpose of protecting individuals from religious influence on their government. Conservatives have long respected the premise that the most important guarantee of the Constitution was individual freedom and those conservative have seen liberals as the biggest threat. Those liberals have now been replaced by a far greater threat, Republican Christian right-wing religious fanatics intent on reshaping America's basic freedoms and they are starting with an attack on individual rights.


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  • Religious fanatics enjoy the same agenda whether Muslim, Christian or other, down to the level of world domination. In their world, you will be free to live exactly as they tell you to. - Jenny Jerrome