The False Economy and The State of Our Financial Future

looking to the RightWe, in the United States, have been riding an economic high. During the Bush Administration, there has continued to be economic growth without undue inflation. Despite the rise in fuel, food and housing costs, the standard of living for middle and higher-middle income families has been sustained. As conservatives, that is what we want, right? The answer is both, "Yes" and "No". Clearly, we want to maintain our standard of living, but we also want a strong economy and a financially secure future. We also want a modest government that can protect the Country without developing so much power it endangers our freedoms. Except for a little slump in the housing market and the lose of practically all our manufacturing jobs to foreign soil we are doing pretty good.


The Danger Is In The Why!

Sample ImageI think we are in big trouble and it is spelled C-h-i-n-a. It isn't China's fault. No, the fault lies right at the foot of the Bush Administration and its pseudo-liberal economic policies. We have opened up to free trade and that can be good. We have lost tens hundreds of thousands of good paying solid jobs and that is bad, no doubt about it. The economy has chugged along without any real sign of recession and that is good and bad, but mostly bad.

Why would a recession free economy be bad? The answer is simple, it is being sustained by huge amounts of government overspending and borrowing. Hell fires will burn when that rooster comes home to roost! If that isn't bad enough, the reason we haven't seen a recession is largely due to that overspending and the fact that we have become almost wholly dependent on China for those goods that used to be made here and cost more. Yes they did cost more (they also put money back into our economy by providing income to our American families), but now we get them really cheap and that has held down inflation.


What About The Economic Future?

Sample ImageIn the not too distant future, the standard of living in China will rise and so will incomes and so will the cost of goods. That's right folks, no more really cheap Chinese goods! We will see strong inflationary pressures in the midst of a recessionary trend. That simply means, Americans will earn less money (they already are) and the cost of everything they buy will be much higher (many things already are). If that doesn't make you happy enough, all this will happen when somebody far more responsible than George W. Bush looks at the federal deficit and says, "Whoa! We can't go on spending and borrowing like a third world nation forever." Third world nations go bankrupt, their people starve and things get really horrible when they suffer from incompetent fiscal leadership. Usually that incompetent leadership funnels government money to friends, while borrowing more and more and not worrying about whether it will ever be paid back. Does that sound familiar. There is nothing conservative about that, but it has the backing of the whole Republican Party.

You think it can't happen here? Hmm, no sense in talking to you then. It can happen anywhere. If you destroy the income base (lose jobs and transfer wealth to a limited few) and borrow the nation into bankruptcy (think 9 trillion in debt), you can end up with an economy that won't function. Worst of all, we are rapidly getting there. We are already paying more than $400 billion in interest payments alone. Bush says he has cut taxes, but the truth is, he has increased future taxes because somebody will have to pay for his incompetence. Conservitives are already paying because much of America believes this is conservative politics and conservative ideology at work. It certain is not. It is simply Republican ideology, not conservative.

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In the eyes of the law a corporation is a person. In reality, big corporations are simply carnivores. - Jenny Jerrome