Conservative Talk (radio)

looking to the RightYes, I listen to conservative talk radio. I listen rather frequently, trying to listen to both local and national shows. Sometimes I listen to Christian talk radio for a different perspective. If you are a true conservative, you probably think I am nuts, but please recognize that I am not saying that I rely on conservative talk radio for information, facts or positions. I simply listen.


Let's Be Fair Now!

Sample ImageIn fairness to promoters of conservative talk radio I must acknowledge that they generally don't pretend to be factual. They are in the entertainment business not the news business. That said, I do tend to expect more from them (and I do lump them together). Conservative talk show hosts are in tough times. They all supported George Bush, the war, the unprecedented growth of federal government, world record government spending and the attack on individual rights and the Constitution. Now, they almost unanimously agree that George Bush is a failure and some even say a traitor. So, have talk radio hosts apologized for leading their followers on the path to such a disaster? Of course not! In keeping with talk radio tradition, "It's someone else's fault!"

As usual, mostly it's the fault of the Democrats they say. I'm always happy to bash Democrats, so I smile, but I also look around to make sure no one else is watching, because I know it's not true. I wonder if other conservative radio fans are stupid enough to believe we can blame it on the Democrats. Apparently, some are. That may make talk radio hosts happy, but it doesn't help the cause. By that, I mean it doesn't help pull together conservatives and the battered (as in ready for deep fry) Republican Party. The majority of Americans are smart enough to laugh at the idea that after 7 years of Republican rule, we can step up and say, "The Democrats did it." Talk radio hosts may be saying that, but it doesn't help the conservative cause as it makes us look like idiots. It doesn't help us put another Republican in office, because it implies that we didn't learn anything from the fraud of Dick Cheney and the idiocy of George Bush.


Still Not Quite There

Sample Image If conservative radio hosts are interested in anything constructive, they need to step up to the truth and say, "Yeah, we made a big mistake with George Bush, but that's NOT conservative politics." They need to get off of stupid ideas that appeal only to non-thinkers and onto how to rebuild what has been lost. Let's face it, Dick Cheney and George Bush have been the best thing the Democrats could have ever hoped for. No reasonable person could believe that Hillary or Barrack could be front runners if Bush had done a halfway reasonable job as President. Talk radio hosts are not helping in suggesting that we just need more of the same old bad ideas. It's tough to admit you were wrong and maybe, it's not a money maker. It's only moral and just and maybe, that's just not conservative talk radio.


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It is easy to see and easy to say what others have done wrong, though it does nothing to make things right. It is honorable to see and honorable say what one has himself done wrong, as it opens the door to doing right. - Jenny Jerrome